Get support tailored to your needs by joining the Priority Services Register

The Priority Services Register (PSR) tells water and energy companies:

  • if you need help to manage your account or
  • you would be in danger if your gas, electricity, or water supply was interrupted.

For example, if:

  • you need your bills in braille, Easy Read, or larger font,
  • no one in your home can read or top up your meter,
  • someone in your home would be in danger if your electricity, gas, or water supply stopped due to their age or medical condition.

You can make sure your suppliers know by signing up for the PSR.


You can sign up to the PSR if you:

  • are of state pension age,
  • are disabled or have a long-term medical condition,
  • have a hearing or sight condition,
  • have a mental health condition,
  • are recovering from an injury,
  • have children under 5 or are pregnant, or
  • have extra communication needs, for example, if you do not speak or read English well.

What support you could get by signing up to the PSR

The support you could get depends on your needs. Here are some examples:

  • Communication to suit your needs, like large print, braille, textphone, audio, or a language other than English
  • A delivery of portable generators or bottled water if you use medical equipment/aids that use electricity or water during a supply interruption
  • A password scheme for when your supplier calls or visits. This is where you agree a password of your choice to verify their identity
  • Notice ahead of time for planned supply interruptions (like when maintenance work is being carried out on power lines), so you can plan ahead
  • Nominate someone, like a friend, family member, carer or friend,  to act manage your account for you
  • Get copies of your bills and correspondence sent to a friend, carer or relative who helps you
  • Interpreter service during phone calls if English isn’t your preferred or first language
  • Regular, free meter reads if no one in your household can read your meter
  • A free prepayment meter move if no one in your household can access your meter (eligibility criteria applies)
  • Knock and wait if you need more time to answer the door if your supplier visits
  • Free gas safety check to make sure your gas appliances are working safely (eligibility criteria applies)


How to sign up for the Priority Services Register

You can contact your energy or water suppliers and ask them to register you on the PSR. Or, you can